Fire Department
Station 1: 81 Albert St, Magnetawan
Station 2: 60 Ahmic St, Ahmic Harbour
(705) 349-8477
Water Tanker Shuttle Accreditation
To learn more about the Magnetawan Fire Department visit their website at
Becoming A Volunteer Firefighter

If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Firefighter please contact Fire Chief, Derek Young by email at or call (705) 349-8477
Emergency Response Plan
Emergencies are defined as situations or impending situations caused by forces of nature, accident or an intentional act that constitutes a danger of major proportions to life and property.
They affect public safety, meaning the health, welfare and property, as well as the environment and economic health of the Municipality Of Magnetawan.
The population of the Municipality varies from 1300 residents to 4800 residents.
In order to protect residents, businesses and visitors, the Municipality of Magnetawan requires a coordinated emergency response by a number of agencies under the direction of the Community Control Group. These are distinct arrangements and procedures from the normal, day-to-day operations carried out by emergency services.
The Municipality of Magnetawan Emergency Management Committee developed this Emergency Response Plan. Every official, municipal department and agency must be prepared to carry out assigned responsibilities in an emergency. The Response Plan has been prepared to provide key officials, agencies and departments of the Municipality of Magnetawan important emergency response information related to:
Arrangements, services and equipment; and Roles and responsibilities during an emergency.
In addition, it is important that residents, businesses and interested visitors be aware of its provisions. Copies of the Municipality of Magnetawan Emergency Response Plan may be viewed at the Municipal Office.
For more information, please contact:
Community Emergency Management Coordinator or
Municipal Clerk
Municipality of Magnetawan
705 387-3947
The aim of this Plan is to make provision for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may have to be taken to protect the health, safety, welfare, environment and economic health of the residents, businesses and visitors of the Municipality of Magnetawan when faced with an emergency.
It enables a centralized controlled and coordinated response to emergencies in the Municipality of Magnetawan and meets the legislated requirements of the Emergency Management Act.
For further details, please contact the Community Emergency Management Coordinator.
The Emergency Management Act (EMA) is the legal authority for this Emergency Response Plan in Ontario.
The EMA states “that every municipality shall formulate an Emergency Plan governing the provision of necessary services during an emergency and the procedures under and the manner in which employees of the municipality and other persons will respond to the emergency and the Council of the Municipality shall by By-law adopt the emergency plan.” [Section 3 (1)]
“The Head of Council of the Municipality of Magnetawan may declare that an emergency exists in the Municipality of Magnetawan or in any part thereof and may take such action and make such orders as he or she considers necessary and are not contrary to law to implement the emergency plan of the municipality and to protect property and the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the emergency area.” [Section 4 (1)]
As enabled by the Emergency Management Act, this Emergency Response Plan and its’ elements have been:
Issued under the authority of the Municipality of Magnetawan, By-law No. 2004-15; as amended by; By-law 2005-28 and
Filed with Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Public Safety and Security.
The Emergency Management Act defines an emergency as:
“An emergency means a situation or an impending situation caused by the forces of nature, an accident, an intentional act or otherwise that constitutes a danger of major proportions to life or property.”
The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) can be activated for any emergency for the purposes of managing an emergency, maintaining services to the community and supporting the emergency site.
When an emergency exists but has not yet been declared to exist, community employees may take such action(s) under this emergency response plan as may be required to protect property and the health, safety and welfare of the Municipality of Magnetawan.
Upon receipt of a warning of a real or potential emergency, the responding department will immediately contact the Clerk Administrator, Mayor or Community Emergency Management Co-ordinator (CEMC) to request that the notification system be activated.
Upon receipt of the warning, the Clerk Administrator, Mayor or CEMC will notify all members of the Community Control Group (CCG).
Upon being notified, it is the responsibility of all CCG officials to notify their staff.
Where a threat of an impending emergency exists, the CCG will be notified and placed on standby.
Assistance may also be requested from the Province of Ontario at any time without any loss of control or authority. A request for assistance should be made by contacting Emergency Management Ontario.
The Emergency notification contact list, including contact numbers for requesting assistance, is attached as Annex A.
The Mayor or Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Magnetawan, as the Head of Council, is responsible for declaring an emergency. This decision is usually made in consultation with other members of the CCG.
Upon declaring an emergency, the Mayor will notify:
- Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Public Safety and Security;
- Municipal Council;
- Public;
- Neighboring community officials, as required;
- Local Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP);
- Local member of Parliament (MP)
A community emergency may be terminated at any time by:
- Mayor or Deputy Mayor; or
- Municipal Council; or
- Premier of Ontario
When terminating an emergency, the Mayor will notify:
- Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Public Safety and Security;
- Municipal Council;
- Public;
- Neighboring community officials, as required;
- Local Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP);
- Local Member of Parliament (MP).
The CCG will report to the Emergency Operations Centre located at the Municipal Office,4304 Hwy 520, Village of Magnetawan. In the event this Operation Centre cannot be used, then the alternate location will be the Magnetawan Fire Hall, Station # 1 , 81 Albert Street, Village of Magnetawan.
The emergency response will be directed and controlled by the Community Control Group (CCG), a group of officials who are responsible for coordinating the provision of the essential services necessary to minimize the effects of an emergency on the community.
The CCG consists of the following officials:
- Mayor of the Municipality of Magnetawan, or alternate;
- Clerk /Administrator, or alternate;
- Emergency Management Coordinator, or alternate;
- Emergency Information Officer;
- Staff Sargent, or alternate;
- Fire Chief, or alternate;
- Manager of Operations and Roads, or alternate;
- Medical Officer of Health, or alternate;
- Social Services Representative, or alternate;
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS), or alternate;
- Local electrical utility representative and Hydro One, or alternate, if required or available;
- Public Works Manager;
- Additional personnel called or added to the CCG. May include: Emergency Management Ontario Representative; Liaison staff from provincial Ministries; or any other officials, experts or representatives from the public or private sector as deemed necessary by the CCG.
The CCG may function with only a limited number of persons depending upon the emergency. While the CCG may not require the presence of all the people listed as members of the control group, all members of the CCG must be notified.
Members of the CCG will gather at regular intervals to inform each other of actions taken and problems encountered. The Clerk /Administrator (CAO) will establish the frequency of meetings and agenda items. Meetings will be kept as brief as possible thus allowing members to carry out their individual responsibilities. The CAO’s Assistant will maintain status boards and maps which will be prominently displayed and kept up to date.
The members of the Community Control Group (CCG) are likely to be responsible for the following actions or decisions:
- Calling out and mobilizing their emergency service, agency and equipment;
- Coordinating and directing their service and ensuring that any actions necessary for the mitigation of the effects of the emergency are taken, provided they are not contrary to law;
- Determining if the location and composition of the CCG is appropriate;
- Advising the Mayor as to whether the declaration of an emergency is recommended;
- Advising the Mayor on the need to designate all or part of the Municipality of Magnetawan as an emergency area;
- Ensuring that an Emergency Site Manager (ESM) has been appointed by the Fire Department or agency in control;
- Ensuring support to the ESM by offering equipment, staff and resources as required;
- Advising, coordinating and/or overseeing the evacuation of inhabitants considered to be in danger;
- Discontinuing utilities or services provided by public or private concerns, i.e. hydro, water, gas, closing down a shopping plaza/ mall;
- Arranging for services and equipment from local agencies not under community control, i.e. private contractors, industry, volunteer agencies, services clubs;
- Notifying, requesting assistance from, and/or liaison with various levels of government and any public or private agencies not under community control, as considered necessary;
- Determining if additional volunteers are required and if appeals for volunteers are warranted;
- Determining if additional transport is required for evacuation or transport of persons and/or supplies;
- Ensuring that pertinent information regarding the emergency is promptly forwarded to the Community Control Group for dissemination to the media and public;
- Determining the need to establish advisory groups and/or subcommittees / working groups for any aspect of the emergency including recovery;
- Authorizing expenditure of money required for dealing with the emergency;
- Notifying the service, agency or group under their direction, of the termination of the emergency;
- Maintaining a log outlining decisions made and actions taken, and submitting a summary of the log to the Clerk/Administrator within one (1) week of the termination of the emergency, as required;
- Participating in the debriefing following the emergency.
Mayor or Acting Mayor
The Mayor or Acting Mayor is responsible for:
- Providing overall leadership in responding to an emergency;
- Declaring an emergency within the designated area;
- Declaring that the emergency has terminated (note: Council may also terminate the emergency);
- Notifying Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Public Safety and Security of the declaration of the emergency, and termination of the emergency;
- Ensuring the Members of Council are advised of the declaration and termination of an emergency, and are kept informed of the emergency situation;
- Act as the spokesperson for the Community Control Group.
The Clerk/Administrator is responsible for:
- Activating the emergency notification system by phone or radio;
- Ensuring liaison with the OPP Sergeant regarding security arrangements for the EOC;
- Chairing the CCG scheduled meetings;
- As the Operations Officer, coordinating all operations within the Emergency Operations Centre, including the scheduling of regular meetings;
- Advising the Mayor on policies and procedures, as appropriate;
- Approving, in conjunction with the Mayor, major announcements and media releases prepared by the Clerk/Administrator or appointee, in consultation with the CCG;
- Ensuring that a communication link is established between the CCG and the Emergency Site Manager (ESM);
- Calling out additional Municipal Staff, staff from other Municipalities and volunteers, to provide assistance, as required;
- Arranging the opening of evacuee centres.
OPP Staff Sergeant
The OPP Staff Sergeant or Alternative is responsible for:
- Notifying necessary emergency and community services as required;
- Establishing a police site command post, if required, with communication to Control Group;
- Assisting with the establishment of an inner perimeter within the emergency area;
- Establishing the outer perimeter in the vicinity of the emergency, to facilitate the movement of emergency vehicles and restrict access to all but essential emergency personnel;
- Providing traffic control staff to facilitate the movement of emergency vehicles;
- Providing police services in EOC, evacuee centres, morgues and other centres as required;
- Notifying the coroner of fatalities;
- Ensuring liaison with other community, provincial and federal police agencies, as required.
Fire Chief
The Fire Chief is responsible for:
- Activating the emergency notification system, in the absence of the Clerk/Administrator, through the
- Municipality of Magnetawan Fire Services;
- Providing the CCG with information and advice on fire fighting and rescue matters;
- Depending on the nature of the emergency, assigning the Site Manager and informing the CCG;
- Establishing an ongoing communications link with the senior fire official at the scene of the emergency;
- Informing the Mutual Aid Fire Coordinator(s) and/or initiating Mutual Aid arrangements for the provision of additional fire fighters and equipment, if needed;
- Determining if additional or spec ial equipment is needed and recommending possible sources of supply, i.e. breathing apparatus, protective clothing;
- Providing assistance to other community departments and agencies and being prepared to take charge of or contribute to, non-fire fighting operations if necessary, i.e. rescue, first aid, casualty collection, evacuation;
Manager of Operations and Roads
The Manager of Operations and Roads, or alternative, is responsible for:
- Providing the CCG with information and advice on engineering and public works matters;
- Ensuring liaison with the public works representative from the neighbouring community(s) to ensure a coordinated response;
- Ensuring provision of engineering assistance;
- Ensuring construction, maintenance and repair of municipal roads;
- Ensuring the maintenance of sanitary sewage and water systems;
- Ensuring liaison with the Fire Chief concerning emergency water supplies for fire fighting purposes;
- Providing emergency potable water, supplies and sanitation facilities to the requirements of the MedicalOfficer of Health;
- Arranging for waste management services;
- Ensuring liaison with public utilities to disconnect any service representing a hazard and/or to arrangefor the provision of alternate services or functions;
- Providing public works vehicles and equipment as required by any other emergency services;
- Ensuring liaison with the Ministry of Natural Resources representative regarding flood control, conservation and environmental matters and being prepared to take preventative action;
- Providing and securing of equipment and supplies not owned by the Municipality of Magnetawan.
Medical Officer of Health
The Medical Officer of Health and CEO is responsible for:
- Coordinates public health services with various :Community Group members and related agencies in the Emergency Operations Centre.
- Provides advice to the public and local health care professionals on matters which may adversely affect public health within North Bay and District (e.g. toxic spills,water quality)
- Liaises with Ontario Ministry of Public Health Branch and area Medical Officers of Health as required to augment and coordinate a public health response as required.
- Coordinates the surveillance and response to communicable disease-related emergencies or anticipated epidemics according to Ministry of Health guidelines.
- Ensures the coordination of vaccine/antiviral storage, handling and distribution across North Bay and District.
- Initiates and implements mass vaccination clinics during outbreaks of disease within affected municipalities in North Bay and District.
- Liaises with Director of Public Utilities or alternate within affected municipalities to ensure the provision of potable water, community sanitation, maintenance and sanitary facilities.
- Provides inspection of evacuation centres, makes recommendations and initiates remedial action in areas of accommodation standards related to;
- – overcrowding, sewage, and waste disposal,
- – monitoring of water supply, air quality, sanitation
- – food handling, storage, preparation, distribution and service.
- Liaises with local social service agencies on areas of mutual concern regarding evacuation centres related to public health information.
- Advises on or orders any necessary evacuation, isolation or quarantine measures.
- Provides instruction and health information through public service announcements and information networks.
- Issues orders if necessary , to mitigate or eliminate health hazards as per the Health Protection and Promotion Act.
- In the event of mass casualties, the Health Unit will monitor the situation to ensure early and sanitary disposition of human remains in order to minimize the spread of disease.
- Liaises with the District Coroner to coordinate the activities of the mortuary within the community and provide assistance when necessary.
Social Services Representative
The Senior Social Services Representative is responsible for:
- Ensuring monetary support for the well-being of residents who have been displaced from their homes, to assist with emergency lodging, clothing, feeding, registration and inquiries and personal services;
- Supervising the opening and operation of temporary and/or long-term evacuee centres, and ensuring they are adequately staffed;
- Ensuring liaison with the police chief with respect to the pre-designation of evacuee centres which can be opened on short notice;
- Liaison with the Medical Officer of Health on areas of mutual concern regarding operations in evacuee centres;
- Ensuring liaison with Homes for the Aged and Nursing Homes as required;
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Representative
- The Emergency Medical Services Representative is responsible for:
- Ensuring emergency medical services at the emergency site;
- Establishing an ongoing communications link with the senior EMS official at the scene of the emergency;
- Obtaining EMS from other municipalities for support, if required;
- Ensuring triage at the site;
- Advising the CCG if other means of transportation is required for large scale response;
- Liaising with the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Central Ambulance Communications Centre to ensure balanced emergency coverage is available at all times throughout the community;
- Ensuring liaison with the receiving hospitals;
- Ensuring liaison with the Medical Officer of Health, as required.
Community Emergency Management Coordinator
The Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) is responsible for:
- Activating and arranging the Emergency Operations Centre;
- Ensuring that security is in place for the EOC and registration of CCG members;
- Ensuring that all members of the CCG have necessary plans, resources, supplies, maps, and equipment;
- Providing advice and clarifications about the implementation details of the Emergency Response Plan;
- Ensuring liaison with community support agencies, i.e.. St. John Ambulance, Canadian Red Cross;
- Ensure that volunteers are registered and provided with identification badges;
- Arrange contacts with Ham Radio Operators;
- Ensuring that the operating cycle is met by the CCG and related documentation is maintained and kept for future reference;
- Addressing any action items that may result from the activation of the Emergency Response Plan and keeping CCG informed of implementation needs; Maintaining the records and logs for the purpose of debriefings and post-emergency reporting that will be prepared.
Utility Representative – Hydro One or Lakeland Power Distribution Ltd.
The Utility Representative – Hydro One and/or Lakeland Power Distribution Ltd. is responsible for:
- Monitoring the status of power outages and customers without services;
- Providing updates on power outages, as required;
- Ensuring liaison with the CCG, Manager of Operations and Roads and Fire Chief;
- May provide assistance with accessing generators for essential services, or other temporary power measures.
Support and Advisory Staff
The following staff may be required to provide support, logistics and advice to the CCG:
Clerk /Administrator Assistant(s)
The Clerk Administrator’s Assistant is responsible for:
- Assisting the Chief Administrative Officer, as required;
- Ensuring all important decisions made and actions taken by the CCG are recorded;
- Ensuring that maps and status boards are kept up to date;
- Providing a process for registering CCG members and maintaining a CCG member list;
- Notifying the required support and advisory staff of the emergency, and the location of the Emergency Operations Centre;
- Assuming the responsibilities of the Citizen Inquiry Supervisor;
- Arranging for printing of material, as required;
- Coordinating the provision of clerical staff to assist in the Emergency Operations Centre, as required;
- Upon direction by the Mayor, ensuring that all Council are advised of the declaration and termination of declaration of the emergency;
- Upon direction by the Mayor, arranging special meetings of Council, as required, and advising members of Council of the time, date, and location of the meetings;
- Procuring staff to assist, as required.
The Treasurer is responsible for.
- Providing information and advice on financial matters as they relate to the emergency;
- Ensuring liaison , if necessary , with the Treasurer/Director of Finance of neighbouring communities;
- Ensuring that records of expense are maintained for future claim purposes
- Ensuring the prompt payment and settlement of all the approved invoices and claims incurred during an emergency.
Evacuation Co-ordinator
The Municipality of Magnetawan”s Manager of Parks and Recreation will act as Evacuation Coordinator during an emergency and is responsible for:
- Ensuring the well being of residents who have been displaced from their homes by arranging emergency lodging, clothing, feeding, registration and inquiries and personal services;
- Supervising the opening and operation of temporary and/or long term evacuee centres and ensuring they are adequately staffed;
- Liaison with the Medical Officer of Health on areas of mutual concern regarding operations in evacuee centres;
- Ensuring that a representative of the Near North District School Board and/or Parry Sound Roman Catholic Separate School Board is/are notified when a facility(s) required as evacuee reception centre(s), and that staff and volunteers utilizing the school facility(s) take direction from the Board representative(s) with respect to its/their maintenance, use and operation;
- Ensuring kennel and other facilities are available for the care of personal pets.
The Near North District School Board and the Parry Sound Roman Catholic Separate School Board are responsible for:
The provision of any school (as appropriate and available) for use as an evacuation or reception centre;
Upon being contacted by the Senior Social Services Officer or designate, providing a Near North District School Board / Parry Sound Roman Catholic Separate School Board representative(s) to co-ordinate and provide direction with respect to the maintenance, use and operation of the facilities being utilized as evacuation or reception centre;
In the event of an emergency during normal school hours, the principal of the school (until directed otherwise) is responsible for:
i) implementing the school “Stay-Put” Emergency Plan: or
ii) implementing the school “Evacuation” Emergency Plan, as advised by the CCG, depending on the nature and scope of the emergency.
Hospital Administrator is responsible for:
- Implementing the Hospital Emergency Plan;
- Liaison with the Medical Officer of Health and local ambulance representatives with respect to
- Hospital and medical matters, as required;
- Evaluating requests for the provision of medical site teams/medical triage teams;
- Liaison with the Ministry of Health, as appropriate;
- Ensuring co-ordination of care of bed-ridden citizens and invalids at home and in evacuee centres during an emergency.
Plan Maintenance and Revision:
The plan will be reviewed annually.
Administrative revisions (for example, telephone numbers) may be authorized by Emergency Planner/Emergency Co-ordinator.
Substantial changes to the plan must be approved by the Council of the Municipality of Magnetawan.
Testing of Plan:
This plan will be tested annually.
Internal Procedures:
Each service involved with this emergency plan will prepare emergency procedures or guidelines outlining how it will fulfil its responsibilities during an emergency.
Each service will ensure that it designates a staff member to maintain and review its own emergency procedures and guidelines.
Recovery phase starts after emergency has been stabilized:
- short term is restoring minimal operation of life support and community services;
- long term is many years and allows opportunities to prevent hazards and reduce risks.
- The Municipality of Magnetawan may apply to the Ontario Disaster Relief and Assistance Program (ODRAP) which is administered by Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing , for funding as relates to the emergency.
- If advisable the Municipality may arrange to bring in the Critical Incidence Stress Team for the appropriate personnel.
- Damage estimation and compensation will be made by the Province at the request of the local authority in accordance with set Provincial policies and procedures.
- Review any requests under the Workers’ Compensation Act with respect to actions taken.