Pay Your Bill
There are multiple ways to pay your bills with the Municipality of Magnetawan
1. Online Banking
Set the Municipality of Magnetawan up as a payee and utilize all 19 digits of your property roll number, as the account number. You will need a separate ‘account’ for each roll number you are paying.
You can also set up to have recurring payments made to your tax account through your online banking.
2. Cash
3. Cheque
We accept both CDN and US funds. US funds will be adjusted for the exchange rate on the day the cheque clears our bank. This amount will be reflected on your account.
We accept post dated cheques.
4. Credit Card Online through Plastiq
Mastercard, Visa, Discover, JCB and Diners Club are accepted.
If you are paying through online banking and/or Plastiq please ensure you have allowed at least 5 business days for processing. Check with your financial institution to ensure your payment will be received by the Municipality by the due date in order to avoid interest charges.
5. Via Teller at your Financial Institution
6. Drop Box
Payments can be dropped off any time to our drop box. Our Drop Box is located on the building facing Highway 520 beside the staff entrance. Make sure you include all the tax stubs or write the roll number(s) on your cheque(s).