Short Term Accommodations

Recent Developments

Passed By-Law: The Short-Term Accommodation By-Law was approved during the council meeting on October 25, 2023. 

View the By-Law

Application Process: Access the application for Short-Term Accommodation.

 Apply Here

Review Meetings

Draft Review: Draft #2 of the Short-Term Accommodation By-Law is set for council review on October 25, 2023, at 1:00 PM.
View Draft By-Law as of October 10, 2023
View Draft By-Law in the October 25th Agenda Package
View Draft Application

Special Meetings and Reports

Special Meeting: Held on September 19, 2023

View Details

Special Meeting: Held on  April 24, 2023 

View Details

Legal and Policy Updates

Notice of Deferment: Staff will be recommending to Council to defer the passing of the draft Short-term Accommodation By-law slated for the September 13, 2023 meeting due to the threat of legal action received.  Having our legal team review the documentation received from other legal counsel is our typical process when threatened with a lawsuit. We will advise all interested parties of the future meeting date the Short-term Accommodation bylaw will be back on our agenda for consideration.  Dates may change for the application process; however,  It is anticipated that the STA bylaw will be in effect for 2024. 

Licensing Efforts: Council continues to work towards implementing licensing requirements for the operation of Short-term Accommodation within the Municipality.  Following extensive public engagement over the past two years, Council will be reviewing the attached draft by-law presented for passing during the regular meeting on September 13th, 2023.   With a previous Town Hall providing the opportunity to members of the public to make oral submissions, during the September 13th meeting, only written submissions of comment will be accepted.  Council and Staff wish to extend their appreciation for all comments received and we look forward to continuing to move forward on the matter. 

View the Draft By-Law

Clarification Draft: Revisions have been made to the draft by-law for clarity and corrections. Changes have been highlighted. 

View the Revised Draft By-Law

Staff Reports

Report to Council on Short-Term Accommodation Comparison

Date: March 29, 2023

View the Report

Community Engagement

Town Hall Meetings: Thank you to all who participated in the Town Hall on July 27, 2022.

View Presentation from the Town Hall

Town Hall Summary Memo


Ongoing Feedback: Engage with our surveys as part of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Review.

Get In Touch