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Frequently Asked Questions and Community Notices
Have Questions or Comments?
If your question isn't answered below or if you'd like to leave a comment, please contact us at (705) 387-3947 or via email at info@magnetawan.com.
Municipal News, Events, and Updates
Stay informed with direct emails by signing up at the bottom of the Homepage under Quick Links. Remember to confirm your subscription!
Waste Collection by Waste Connections
A third-party company, Waste Connections, performs our curbside waste collection. Any service disruptions are announced on our website and social media. Contact them directly using the information on your recently mailed recycling calendar. If you did not receive your calendar, download it from our website or contact us.
Curbside Garbage and Recycling Pickup
Available only to designated properties within the Village of Magnetawan's limits with an additional levy for these services.
Locks and Heritage Museum Centre Operation
Operates from the last weekend in June until the first weekend in September, with typical operating expenses around $80,000, revenues of about $5,000, and partially funded through grants for hiring students.
Magnetawan Lions' Pavilion Outdoor Rink
Our rink is weather dependent; no artificial cooling is used. Check the condition before heading out.
Landfill Information
Details on hours and tipping fees are available on our Residents Page.
Tax Payment Options
Instructions are available on our Residents Page.
Free WiFi at Magnetawan Library
For more information, visit their website.
Council Agendas and Packages
Typically posted by 3pm on Fridays before each meeting, which occurs every third Wednesday. Find them on our Government Page.
Check Property Zoning
Find the zoning of any property within the Municipality using our interactive map.
Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) Interactive Trail Guide
Check out real-time trail status and accessible points of interest using the OFSC Interactive Trail Guide.
Snow Removal and Liability
Placing snow on roadways from private driveways is dangerous and prohibited under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act.
Beaver Dam Liability
You are liable for damages caused by breached beaver dams on your property. Learn more about conflict prevention tips.
Parks Department
That the average Canada Goose poops every 12 minutes and drops between 2 to 3 lbs on a daily basis? The Parks Department spends 4 hours per week to clean up the goose droppings at our Municipal Parks and Greenspaces.
It takes the Parks Department 4-5 hours per day to water the hanging baskets and flower planters at Municipal Parks, Greenspaces and Downtown Cores.
The Parks Department maintains and cuts grass at 7 cemeteries and 4 parks/greenspaces located throughout the Municipality.
Public Works Department Responsibilities
It takes the Public Works Department an estimated 8 hours per route (one round) to complete Snowplowing within the Municipality. The Roads Crew aims to be out before the School buses and typically Bus Routes are completed first.
The Public Works Department uses an estimated 14,000 tons of gravel per year depending on the amount of washouts the Municipality experiences.
The Public Works Department keeps a detailed track on the weather and weather patterns to respond to winter events.
Public Works Department does not clean the end of resident's driveways.
It is the responsibility of the owner of the mailbox to clear the snow away so that Canada Post has access. Heavy wet snow and ice can have enough force to damage a mailbox, but this damage is outside of the snowplow operator’s control and responsibility. Please ensure that your mailbox is securely attached to a post embedded into the ground. The Municipality will only replace mailboxes that are physically damaged by the plow itself not thrown snow. Any other damages are the responsibility of the owner. Costs to repair a plow damaged by reinforced mailboxes will be the responsibility of the landowner.
We have 233.2 kms of centerline roads (180.8 Gravel Roads, 50.4 kms Surface Treated and 2 kms of Asphalt) within the Municipality of Magnetawan. This does not include Privately Maintained Roads or Provincial Highways located within our Municipality.
In the Winter our public works crew are not only busy plowing after storms or inclement weather but sanding/salting, pushing back banks, and performing snow removal within the Villages.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 394
Hosts the Remembrance Day Ceremony. Get more information.
Municipal Newsletters
Published twice a year with updates about the Municipality, mailed with tax notices in February and August.
Trailer Permits and Zoning Requirements
Ensure your property is zoned appropriately and obtain a trailer permit. View By-law and application details.
Municipal Landfill Policies
Only accepts clear bags with appropriate tagging. Learn more about our waste management policies.
Contamination would be any material that is not considered to be blue box (e.g. garbage, compost) or any other contamination that will negatively impact the machinery when sorting? Not rinsing out jars, a mixed bag of blue box and garbage are considered contamination!
Magnetawan Farmer's Market and White Elephant Sale
Held at the Magnetawan Lions' Pavilion. All proceeds support the Magnetawan Fall Fair.
Building and Demolition Permits
Must be issued and posted prior to construction or demolition. Find permit information and applications here.
Storage Container Regulations
Compliance with the Ontario Building Code and zoning requirements is necessary, often requiring a building permit.
Public Health of Ontario Water Testing Kits
Available at the Municipal Office. Kits can be dropped off at the Ontario Public Health Office at 17 Copeland Street in Burk's Falls.
Transport Canada Regulations for Pleasure Crafts
Used as commercial passenger vessels are regulated by Transport Canada. For more information.
Magnetawan Fire Department Services
That the Magnetawan Fire Department responds to most critical medical calls in our area to assist EMS. The Magnetawan Fire Department can provide stabilization for fractures and breaks, CPR, AED, Naloxone and bleeding control for wounds and other such services. The Magnetawan Fire Department does NOT carry EpiPens, Aspiring or any other medications that Paramedics do. If you require specific medications, please ensure you have them readily available, even at the cottage.
Fire Rating and Burning By-laws
Check the fire rating before burning. Offenders may be fined. Read the By-law.
Fire Safety Frequently Asked Questions
Q - Do I need a burn permit?
A - NO We do not issue burn permits
Q - Can I have a campfire while the fire rating is HIGH?
A - YES but for cooking and warmth only, when no other means are available
Q - Can I burn furniture, bed mattresses, and household rubbish etc.?
A - NO Do not burn anything that is environmentally unfriendly. Untreated and natural materials only
Q - Can I have a campfire when the rating is at EXTREME?
A - NO! No fires are permitted - This is a TOTAL FIRE BAN

Q - Can I light and release Chinese lanterns?
A - NO! The Open Air Burning By-law prohibits this. View our Open Air Burning By-law
Q - What size fire can I have?
A - Low and Moderate - 8' in diameter for non-recreational burning and 2' in diameter for campfires
High - 2' in diameter for cooking and warmth only
Extreme - Absolutely no burning of any kind or fireworks
Also, if windy, do NOT burn!
Q - Can I have a larger fire than is permitted by the by-law?
A - YES - Contact the Fire Department BEFORE having larger fires. Approval is required to exceed the allowed size