Landfill and Recycling
Magnetawan Landfills
You Must Present Your Reusable Landfill Card to Use Our Landfill Sites.
Cards with an allocation for tags will be swiped by the attendant and Cards with no allocation for tags (deactivated) will need their household waste bags tagged and just need to show their card to the attendant for entry!
ONLY Clear Plastic Bags are accepted at our Landfills for refuse.
Read By-law 2021-02 Magnetawan Landfill Management/Illegal Dumping By-law
Coming January 2025, the Croft and Chapman Landfill sites will have new blue box collection bins. These bins will be conveniently located and are clearly labeled for recyclable material. Residents will continue to sort blue box material with no changes.
For any questions or concerns please speak with a Landfill Attendant or contact the office at (705) 387-3947

This change is part of Ontario’s Blue Box Program transition to a new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model which is in line with the new provincial Blue Box Regulation. This means producers of blue box materials will now be responsible for the collection, processing, and recycling of these materials in Magnetawan.
With Blue Box Transition taking place across Ontario Municipalities, the reduction of ‘contamination’ within our Blue Boxes, at both curbside and our Landfills, is vital. The largest contributing factor to contamination is jars/containers not being rinsed out before being placed in the Blue Box. Please, take a moment to rinse out your jars/containers before placing them in the Blue Bin, this extra step has a direct financial impact on all residents.
2024 Landfill Update
Residents who deposit waste at the landfills, your landfill card top up will take place electronically April 2024. You do not need to contact or visit the municipal office. Residents with curbside collection stickers, your stickers will not expire, and we encourage you to use what you have left first. If you have more stickers than you need, bring them back to the municipal office and we can recirculate them!
Croft Landfill Site -218 – 25th & 26th Side Road, Magnetawan, ON P0A 1P0, Canada
Summer Hours (Begins Saturday of Victoria Day Weekend to Thanksgiving Weekend)
Open: Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
Landfill Summer Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
A landfill REGULARLY SCHEDULED to be open during the summer will be OPEN on a statutory holiday.
Winter Hours (Begins Tuesday after Thanksgiving Weekend to Victoria Day)
Open: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
Landfill Winter Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Landfills Closed During All Statutory Holidays For The Winter. Includes: Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Family Day, Good Friday And Easter Monday.
Chapman Landfill Site - 259 Rocky Road, Magnetawan, ON P0A 1Z0, Canada
Summer Hours (Begins Saturday of Victoria Day Weekend to Thanksgiving Weekend)
Open: Sunday, Monday, Saturday
Landfill Summer Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
A landfill REGULARLY SCHEDULED to be open during the summer will be OPEN on a statutory holiday.
Winter Hours (Begins Tuesday after Thanksgiving Weekend to Victoria Day)
Open: Sunday, Monday
Landfill Winter Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Landfills Closed During All Statutory Holidays For The Winter. Includes: Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Family Day, Good Friday And Easter Monday.
2025 Landfill Charges & Tipping Fees
Cash, debit, credit card and cheques accepted at the landfills
Replacement landfill card $10 plus cost of bag tag(s) if applicable Per bag tag $2
Large items
- Couches $30
- Chairs $15
- Mattress or box springs $30
- Fridges/freezers/AC $15
- Campers/boats $5 per foot
Construction waste
- Pickup truck, van, or single axle trailer $25
- Single axle truck $270
- Tandem truck 20-yard container $540
- Tri-axle truck 40-yard container $1,080
- Tandem axle trailer $150
- Pickup truck or van $65
- Single axle trailer $125
- Tandem axle trailer $540
No charge
- Batteries**
- Bottle return
- Metal
- Gently used clothing
- Small brush
- Electronics
- Tires off rim**
- Items at reuse centre
We do not accept: Large logs and stumps - used motor oil and/or gas – hazardous waste (other than what’s listed) - non-refillable propane canisters
**Please note: Tires and batteries are accepted only at Chapman landfill.
Reloadable Landfill Card Launch
All property owners/tenants within the Municipality of Magnetawan can use our landfills.
Landfill cards are only swiped for household waste if you do not have bag tags. Swiping is how household waste usage data is collected which in turn the Municipality uses to calculate life expectancy among other formulas.
Other items like recycling, brush, clothing, electronics, re-use centre, etc., do not require the card to be swiped.
Residents with multiple properties that do not need duplicate or triplicate cards, could return them to the office if they like, which helps in keeping costs down as well as less plastic being discarded. However, these cards can be reused and will cut down on the number of cards the Municipality buys to replace lost or damaged cards.
Card Distribution
Residential Properties with Curbside Intown Pick Up: Landfill Card, with no allocation for bags, 110 bag tag stickers to use for bags of household waste.
Residential Properties with No Curbside Intown Pick Up: Landfill Card, with allocation of 110 bag tags for bags of household waste.
Commercial Properties with or without Intown Curbside Pick Up: Landfill Card, with no allocation for bags plus 150 bag tag stickers to use for bags considered household waste.
Vacant Land: Landfill Card, with no allocation for bags. Vacant Landowners can access the landfill for other uses (recycling, brush, clothing, etc) but will need to purchase bag tags or allocation to dispose of household waste.
What to Expect:
Curbside Pick Up: Property owners/tenants will stick their bag tag stickers to their bags of household waste only and put out for collection as per usual.
At the Landfill: Property owners/tenants will present their landfill card to the Landfill Attendant. The Landfill Attendant will swipe the card and enter the number of household waste bags brought in
Property owners/tenants using bag tags, will need to present their landfill card to the Landfill Attendant and stick their bag tag stickers to their bags of household waste only. Your card will not be swiped
Why is there a limit for bags of household waste when I already pay taxes? A waste reduction program was implemented to encourage recycling and to monitor the amount of waste entering our landfills to help extend their life. Extending the life of the landfill will give us time to help build our reserves so that there will not be a huge increase to your taxes when the time comes to purchase a new landfill.
Why does in-town have curbside pick up and I do not? Residents who have intown curbside pick up pay an extra levy on their property taxes to receive this service. Residents who do not receive this service do not pay an extra levy.
Am I only allowed to bring 2 bags of household waste a week to the Landfill? You can bring as many bags of household waste as often as you want, as long as there is room on your numbered card, or you have bag tag stickers.
Do bags of recycling count as a bag of household waste? No
Does my new landfill card and/or bag tag stickers expire? No. Reloadable landfill cards with bag allocations will be automatically reloaded every year. Bag Tags will be mailed out to those with intown pickup. Those property owners/tenants who have requested bag tags instead of those allocated on the card will need to contact the office. Pink Tags do NOT expire.
Why can’t fibers and recycling be picked up every week for curbside pick up? Frankly, there is not enough room on the truck to pick up both every week. Therefore, weeks are alternated. Residents are more than welcome to attend the landfill if they do not want to wait for pick up.
Can I drop recycling off without my landfill card? No, you must have your landfill card to gain entry to our Municipal Landfills.
What if I have vacant land but have a trailer? Residents who have vacant land with a valid seasonal trailer license will be allocated two free bags of household waste per week based on the type of license purchased. i.e., If you purchase a monthly license you will be allocated 8 free bags of household waste. If you purchase a three-month license you will be allocated 24 free bags of household waste.
When can I expect my card and free bags tag stickers? Landfill cards go with the property – if you are a new owner, the previous owner should have left you the card. If not, just call the office. Bag Tags will be sent out annually to those with garbage pick up.
What if I want tags and not a reusable card? For convenience, residents can trade in all or some of their allotted number of bags for bag tag stickers. What does this mean? If you have a landfill card with an allotted number of free bags of household waste and you would prefer to use stickers, you can trade all your allotment or a partial allotment (i.e., 20 or 30) in for bag tag stickers!! Just contact the Municipal Office to arrange a trade.
What if my neighbour takes my garbage for me? No worries! If your neighbour takes your garbage to the landfill simply have them take your landfill card to have the Landfill Attendant who will swipe the card for your quantity of household waste bags or if you have bag tag stickers, simply stick your bag tag stickers to your bags of household waste and provide your neighbour with your landfill card.
What if I run out of Free Bags? Residents who use all their allotment of free bags can purchase additional bag tag stickers at a cost of $2.00 per bag from the Municipal Office and at both Municipal Landfill Sites.
What if I lose my landfill card and/or bag tag stickers? Lost landfill cards will be replaced at a cost of $10 and your unused allocated tags will be transferred to your new card. If you have lost your bag tags, they can be purchased for $2.00 each.
What if I am selling my property? Or I just purchased a property? Owners are responsible for transferring landfill cards and/or allotted bag tag stickers to the new owner. Similar to how property taxes, gas and utilities get prorated. If the previous property owner does not transfer any landfill cards or allotted bag tag stickers, the new owner will be required to purchase a landfill card and bag tag stickers.
Why do you still see black bags in the landfill? The compactor used at the landfill turns up household waste from previous years before the clear bag program was implemented.
What if I rent out my property? Property owners are responsible to provide landfill cards and/or bag tag stickers to the renters.
Clear Bag Information
Short Term Accommodations
Property owners are responsible to provide landfill cards and/or bag tag stickers to the renters. Property owners can contact the Municipal Office to exchange your annual allocated allotment for STA tags. Contact Erica at the Municipal Office 705 387 3947.
Illegal dumping will not be tolerated and owners and/or renters will be charged.
Find out what to do with your garbage before you visit!
Waste Reduction Program
A new landfill moderately costs around 5.6 million over 5-7 years just to get it up and running and does not include the price of the land.
Let’s work together to find ways to limit waste and extend the life of our landfills. The Municipality is starting a soft launch in March 2021 with a hard launch of May 1, 2021. After May 1, 2021 household waste will not be picked up for curbside pickup without a bag tag sticker nor will you be allowed to deposit household waste at the landfill without providing your numbered card or having bag tag stickers on your bags of waste.
Report to Council Landfill Survey Results
Did you know the Municipal Landfill Sites have additional waste diversion options at no cost!
Magnetawan Lions’ Bottle Return
The Magnetawan Lions receive donations of empty alcohol bottles and cans at both Landfill locations. The funds raised from donated bottles and cans support the Magnetawan Lions in their efforts to support the community.
Diabetes Blue Bin
Located at both Landfills, the Diabetes Blue Bin is a great place to donate all types of clothing, accessories, curtains, footwear and sleeping bags.
Scrap Metal Drop Off
The Municipality collects scrap metal at both Landfill locations. Drop off of these items can be done during regular Landfill hours.
Items with a cord or battery operated can be brought to the Landfill locations for recycling.
Re-Use Centre Information
The Re-Use Centers are located at Croft and Chapman Landfills are open Victoria Day Weekend to Thanksgiving Weekend
Residents may drop off gently used items and all donations are at the discretion of the Landfill Staff onsite and may be subject to tipping fees.
Not accepted: Child car seats, Helmets, Electronics, Fuel Operated Machinery, Mattresses and Couches
Use at Your Own Risk
Gently Used Electronics or Fuel Operated Machinery
Please consider donating these items to a local organization such as the Magnetawan Agricultural Society for their White Elephant Sale, other thrift stores like The Restore or Salvation Army, or give them away for free to friends and/or neighbours who may want to or could repair them!
Magnetawan Backyard Composting Program
The Municipality of Magnetawan sold 70 backyard composting tumblers in 2024 at wholesale price ($70.00). The Municipality created this incentive and benefit sharing program wherein a $10.00 “Magnetawan Bucks” comes with each purchase. These “Mag Bucks” were redeemed at the Magnetawan Home Hardware for approved composting supplies; helping even further to start your backyard composting journey. Reach out to the Municipal Office at (705) 387-3947 for further details, inventory is limited. This successful program is now closed but Stay Tuned for more exciting waste diversion programs in the future!
Recyclables need to be sorted
Please contact the Municipality of Magnetawan with any questions regarding the new clear bag policy and Waste Connections of Canada for any further questions.
The Curbside Recycling Calendars Are Below For The Village Of Magnetawan Only:
Recyclable Items and How to Sort
- Water Bottles
- Plastic Containers
- Plastic Trays
- Coffee Cup Lids
- Food and Beverage Cans
- Aluminum Plates and Foil
- Glass Bottles and Jars
- Empty Aerosol Cans
- Empty Dry Latex Paint Cans (Lids Removed)
- Clamshell Packaging
- Rigid Plastic Containers
- Soft Cover Books
- Mail & Envelopes
- Newspapers & Inserts
- Magazines & Catalogues
- Cardboard
- Gable Top Containers (Milk & Juice boxes)
- Tissue Boxes
- Shoe Boxes
- Paper Towel Rolls
- Toiler Paper Rolls
- Cardboard Boxes (broken down/bundled)
- Pizza Boxes
- Cereal Boxes
Did you know that contamination would be any material that is not considered to be blue box (e.g. garbage, compost) or any other contamination that will negatively impact the machinery when sorting? Not rinsing out jars, a mixed bag of blue box and garbage are considered contamination!
Please contact the Municipality of Magnetawan with any questions regarding the new clear bag policy and Waste Connections of Canada for any further recycling questions.
Recycling FAQ's
What plastic numbers are recyclable?
A: Need a recycling symbol with 1-5 or 7 on it.
Does paper have to come off of tin cans?
A: No.
Does the plastic spout need to be taken out of the juice containers?
A: No.
If someone isn’t sure about a plastic being recyclable, what is the best thing to do?
A: If you don’t see a recycling symbol with the numbers 1-5 or 7, it is garbage.
Can toothpaste tubes be cleaned and recycled?
A: No.
Aerosol cans are on the listed of containers, is that all aerosol cans?
A: Any emptied aerosol cans that have not/do not contain hazardous materials.
Are plastic bags, milk bags, bread bags, etc.,recyclable?
A: Yes, if they have a recycling symbol with numbers 1-5 or 7.
What about items with a recycling symbol but don’t have a number on them?
A: They are not recyclable in our system.
Do all container items need to have the recycling symbol on them?
A: Yes.
What about plastic meat trays, veggie trays and sushi trays?
A: If they have a recycling symbol with a number between 1-5 or 7, they are recyclable.
Do lids need to come off of items because they are different types of containers? Examples: pop/water bottles, glass jars etc.
A: No, but plastic/cardboard/gable top containers should be crushed as much as possible.
Should tin can lids be kept attached to the can?
A: Attached or should be shoved inside the can itself.
Is tinfoil recyclable if it has food particles on it?
A: No the tinfoil must be clean, if not, it's garbage.
Are cleaner bottles, shampoo bottles, etc., recyclable?
A: Yes, if they are cleaned out properly and have not contained hazardous materials.
Can cat litter containers and bags be recycled?
A: Yes, if they have a recycling symbol on them with numbers 1-5 or 7.
Please note that the following items are not recyclable:
1. Styrofoam.
2. Plastic wrap of any kind unless marked.
3. Lightbulbs.
4. Mesh bags (that onions come in).
5. Woven bags of any kind unless marked.
6. Any item with the number 6 identified on it.
Annual Monitoring Reports
2023 Chapman Annual Monitoring Summary Report
2023 Chapman Annual Monitoring Full Report
2023 Croft Annual Monitoring Summary Report
2023 Croft Annual Monitoring Full Report
2022 Waste Disposal Site Methane Monitoring Fall and Winter
2022 Chapman Annual Monitoring Summary Report
2022 Chapman Annual Monitoring Full Report
2022 Croft Annual Monitoring Summary Report
2022 Croft Annual Monitoring Full Report
2021 Chapman Annual Monitoring Summary Report
2021 Chapman Annual Monitoring Full Report
2021 Croft Annual Monitoring Summary Report
2021 Croft Annual Monitoring Full Report
2020 Chapman Annual Monitoring Summary Report
2020 Chapman Annual Monitoring Full Report
2020 Croft Annual Monitoring Summary Report
2020 Croft Annual Monitoring Full Report