Official Plan and Zoning By-law Review

The Municipality of Magnetawan has begun an extensive repeal and replacement of their Official Plan & Zoning By-law to be completed over the next year!

Important Notice

The by-law to repeal and replace the municipality’s official plan is expected to be ready for council's consideration on Wednesday November 15, 2023 at 1:00pm in continued effort to receive approval from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

View the draft By-law and Official Plan included in the November 15th Agenda Package

Notice of Public Meeting - Zoning By-Law Review

Date: Wednesday, October 4th

Open Houses

Over the next few months we will have many ways for residents to get involved in what they would like the Municipality of Magnetawan to look like from a development perspective. In conjunction with our Official Plan Review we are conducting a Zoning By-law Review to ensure that it mirrors the direction of the Official Plan.

We will have many ways for residents to get involved over the next 6 months. Check back to this page for more updated information as the process progresses. If you have any questions or comments regarding this process or items on this page. Please contact Erica Kellogg, Acting Deputy Clerk - Planning & Development at

View the Magnetawan Official Plan & Zoning By-law Review Background Report

Virtual Open House

The Municipality of Magnetawan conducted their Open House for the Zoning By-law & Official Plan Review on November 18th between the hours of 2:00pm - 4:00pm as well as 6:30pm-8:30pm. The purpose of the Open House is to gather information from the Public and be very interactive to facilitate conversations between residents as well as Staff on changes residents may like to see. Similar to an Open House you would attend when looking to purchase a home. Below you will see the information that was provided at the Open House along with the responses we have been provided by the public. 

Culture and Recreation Questions

  • What does ‘small town vibe’ mean to you? Is this a feeling you would like for your community?
  • How and where can the municipality improve access and diversification of recreation infrastructure or programming?
  • What services or programs would you like to see offered at our public library to make it a community hub?
  • How should current green space be used within the municipality? Do you feel the municipality needs more green space, can you suggest a location?

View Responses

Economic Development Questions

  • In your opinion, what are the top three things Magnetawan needs to highlight to encourage people to live in Magnetawan?
  • Should there be a grant system, funded by the Municipality, to support businesses with improvements for accessibility, façade improvements and or business signs for Village businesses?
  • What sort of commercial services should the municipality focus on developing within downtown Magnetawan and Ahmic Harbour?
  • Do you support a mix of commercial and residential uses within buildings to help foster economic growth and the current housing crisis?

View Responses

Housing Questions

  • Please describe what you consider a “tiny home”.
  • Where do you think row houses/townhouses should be located? Would this type of housing be of interest to you or someone you know?
  • What do you think our shorelines should look like?
  • What do you think should be allowed on Rural properties?

View Responses

Transportation Questions

  • Do you think the municipality should invest in electric car charging stations, and, if so, where do you think an ideal location would be?
  • Are you aware of, or have you utilized the municipalities bike share program or Almaguin Cycling?
  • What are the transportation barriers you or someone you know face, and how could the municipality work to improve transportation?
  • Street lighting creates a safer community. Are there areas within the municipality that would benefit from new or additional street lighting, that could expand the usage of the areas into dusk?

View Responses

Surveys - First Circulated in August 2021 

To respond to the survey's below please click the title button which will take you straight to Survey Monkey. Underneath each survey you will see a link to the responses already collected for these surveys.

Second Dwelling Survey

View Survey Outcomes

Official Plan/Zoning By-Lay Survey

View Survey Responses

Short Term Accommodation Survey

View Survey Responses

Tiny Home Survey

View Survey Responses

Additional Comments

The Municipality understands that the questions and surveys above do not address all aspects of the Municipality. We want to hear any other additional comments, concerns, or ideas residents may have regarding the future of the Municipality of Magnetawan. A fillable PDF document is available for you to provide additional comments regarding the review of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. Alternatively, you can email us at or call the Municipal Office at 705-387-3947 and speak to Erica Kellogg, Acting Deputy Clerk - Planning & Development.

Visit our Planning and Zoning Page to view the current Official Plan and Zoning By-law

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